Moving into a new place doesn’t happen very often in our lives. Not everyone can get experience quickly. That’s why the moving process for most people causes stress even before they start packing. How properly to organize it? What to do? Our Boston movers will answer all your move planning questions.
Everything starts with planning.
Create a folder that is going to keep all the documents about the move. Gather information about a new area, if you are moving to a new one: schools, hospitals, groceries. Research information about moving companies. If you decide to move on your own, make a list of people who are willing to help you. Decide on a moving date.
Check out if your insurance policy covers your moving. If you decide to use a moving company, check with them about insurance. Determine the list of services you use (banks, insurance companies, pharmacies, doctors, etc.). You will need to change your shipping address to a new one. It is also a good time to cross services you no longer use off your list.
Sort through your stuff. Moving is a great reason to get rid of unnecessary things. But getting rid doesn’t mean throwing it out. There are things that have some value and can be useful, but not to you. In that case, you can sell or donate them.
Think about your furniture. Create a furniture layout plan and put it in the folder with the rest of your moving documents. It will save you time during the move.
Prepare packaging materials:
You should label all sides of your boxes and other packing materials. In that way, you don’t have to look for the label while unpacking. Make a list of all valuable things in boxes.
Moving is getting closer. Choose a moving company, if you need one. Decide on your budget. Give to services that you use your new address. Also, make sure your friends and relatives know about changes in your life as well. Contact your insurance company and confirm all the details. Start to pack stuff that you rarely use.
Think about your new home. Is it something you need to add to your moving checklist? Maybe some decorations or drapes? It is a good time to make a purchase. Cancel all the services you no longer use and update all the subscriptions. Make sure your kids and pets are going to be entertained during the move. Contact a babysitter or ask your friends to help you on a moving day. Gather all the valuable stuff in one place and make a plan for ensuring their safe transportation.
Empty the freezer. Clean up your storage. Make sure you have enough food for two weeks. Return books, tools, or other items you’ve borrowed. Take care of your car. Make an appointment with a mechanic and make sure the car is ready to move. Pack small bags full of essentials only for each family member. Take care of your bills and fines so there is no debt left. Fill your medical prescription. Make sure you have enough cash to deal with emergencies.
Start to pack your bags. Make a plan for full house cleaning or hire a cleaning company. Prepare food the day before the move. Make backups of your computer’s hard drive. Check the items you’ve already packed. Contact your moving company and confirm all the details. Turn of the freezer and other utilities the day before the moving. Check out the document folder. And the most important is to try to relax. Enjoy the process and don’t forget to throw a party after the move.